MultiGet – a multithread download manager for Ubuntu Linux desktop

It’s extremely frustrating to have your download progress interrupted, especially when you are downloading several (relatively large) files over the Internet. Fortunately, there’s MultiGet, a download manager that supports multi-connection and parallel downloads.

MultiGet is easy to user, and from my observation, it’s interface closely resemble Flashget download manager from Microsoft Windows platform. The differences is, that MultiGet runs natively on Linux, and it supports multiple operating system too.

MultiGet has a simple, friendly user interface that is easy to use. Best of all, it supports batch task downloading.

MultiGet Screenshot

MultiGet Screenshot Ubuntu

MultiGet is available from Ubuntu universe respository

Upgrade Pidgin to solve Yahoo messenger Issue

Regarding the previous post Solving Pidgin Yahoo Messenger Connection Problem , the temporary solution may not work anymore as Yahoo already upgraded their server to accept newer authentication mode.

Pidgin logo

The good news is, users can download the latest Pidgin release (2.5.7) in order to keep connected with Yahoo Messenger.

For Ubuntu users, Pidgin 2.5.7 is available for download from the Click-and-Run portal. Just select Pidgin package, and choose to open it with gdebi.

Hopefully you can solve the Pidgin login problem through this post.

How to solve Pidgin Yahoo Messenger Connection Problem

pidgin logo

Lately, it seems that some people are having trouble connecting pidgin to Yahoo Messenger services. The problem seems to be associated with the Yahoo server itself.

Solving the Yahoo Messenger problem
A temporary solution for this problem is to change the Pidgin YM server setting.

Go to Accounts->Select your YM screen name->Edit Account->Advance.

Then change the original value of “” to any of these ip address:, ,,,,,,

As shown on the screenshot :

Pidgin Modify Account

Note that this is only a temporary solution and you should only use this as the last resort.

Google Malware Warning Fucked up?

I don’t know when this thing happened exactly, but I noticed it around 10:57 pm MYT (GMT+8) when I was searching information for Yaesu VX8R handheld radio.

It seems somehow the Google Malware Warning fucked up and labels all the search result as “may harm your computer”. Funny thing is, Google labels its own website as potentially spreading malware.

Google Calendar site is spreading malware?
Google Terfakap

This incident has showed me how reliant to Google i’ve become, which made me wonder what would happen if suddenly somebody might take advantage of our dependency to Google, and do nasty things to us and to our data? By the way, Google already know what you do, who you are, and where you live.

Update: This event has been slashdotted, MAKE Magazine blog also covered the story.

Update 2: Google somehow have fixed the issue at 11:22 pm MYT (GMT +8). Let’s see what they would say about this strange phenomenon.

Update 3: Thanks to Manley, it seems Google has not fixed the issue, but rather disabled the Malware warning on its search result.

Final Update : Google issued a statement in their official blog as well as

How to change Google Chrome user-agent

Changing user-agent in Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer may be an easy task for most of the people as it only requires you to change certain settings in the browser option or in the registry.

However changing Google Chrome’s user agent might not be as straight forward as it has no obvious way to alter it through the browser’s interface.

Fortunately, Digital Inspiration website has written a guide on how to change Google Chrome user-agent string, you can refer directly to their article – How to Change User Agent String in Google Chrome Browser