I’ve been given two stitches after underwent a minor-surgery to remove some fibroma / benign tumor tissue from my leg. Everything is ok for now, but the doctor told me that I need rest, and definitely no driving around for a couple of days. I’m very anxious to hear the results
Updates from me – mypapit
Been quite some time since I updated this blog. Here’s what happened to me since the last update:
- Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) has been released
- I’ve presented paper on Mobile Travel Guide and Location Aware App in Informatics 2009.
- My WordPress Blog site has been hit by spammers/injectors, spent roughly one week to clean the mess up. WordPress sucks, updating it doesn’t help either
- My server overloads for the 17th times last month, probably a sign that i’ve to upgrade my server
- And yes, I’m still alive, though i’ve less and less time to blog interesting things now. Wonder why? Burnout?
So what about you?
My Backyard Chickens (mix of ayam serama and ayam kapan)
Here is a video of my ayam (chickens) taken on the 2nd day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I keep them in my backyard as pets and egg producer. Because of them, I rarely had the need to shop for eggs.
Does Twitter kills my blog?
This is probably the first thing that I thought of when I first started of this blog two five years ago… that is the probability that I might find other hobby or work that much more appealing than paying attention to this blog.
The first culprit would be twitter, because ever since I started to hook up with it, I’ve beginning to post updates less frequently than I usually do, until it reaches a point that I stopped posting updates altogether, even though there are loads event that are worthy for me to blog with.
Maybe I’ve lost my passion of updating blogs with my daily hacking activities, or may I simply haven’t got the hang around of updating my blog while juggling with my new work, updating tweets and working on my research projects. Whatever the reason is, it is my intention to keep my post coming out fresh despite having to adjust to my new environment, and for that to happen I need to discipline myself to post regular updates on my blog.
Twitter is nice to use, as it requires less effort to post updates about my activities and make it easy for me to keep updated with my friends, but it greatest advantage seems to have taken a toll on my blog and I’ve nothing to blame but myself :p
Catch me on twitter
I finally decided to get on twitter since I’ve been rarely had the time to update my blog anymore. So for those who are interested to follow my daily updates can do so by following my twits (username: mypapit).

For the curious minds, my favorite twitter client are twim (Apache License 2.0) and twobile
Sporadic update….
Hey there guys, I know I havent been writing much. I’ve even missed the August month completely!, the thing is, I currently working on a project which demands most of my creative time, and by the time I’ve some free time to spare, I’ve already gone tired.
But rest assured, I’ll begin to make time again as I’ve already on the final phase of the research project. Be sure to remind me every now and then to write stuff around here!