Today, I finally had the time to sit down and blog about my experience using GNOME 2.12 via GNOME LiveCD.
I had great experience testing out GNOME 2.12 LiveCD, it has exceeded all of my expectations from a demo cd. I can do most of my work using only the demo cd, like reading and printing documents, get online, watch movies, listening to music/radio, instant messaging and obviously blogging ;). The CD also includes some pictures from GNOME community events as well as freely distributable musics and videos .
Why I haven’t use GNOME 2.12 on any of my operating systems? Because I’m waiting for Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy) to come out. Just to let you know, the official GNOME 2.12 LiveCD is based on Ubuntu 5.10 which will be released officially on October 13, 2005. I’m satisfied with the LiveCD and thus i’m satisfied with Ubuntu Breezy too!
Well I guess that’s all for now, time to go to sleep.