What a boring weekend, and my blog has moved to Interunix

Yeah, It’s a boring weekend for me with nothing much to do. My hens are laying eggs like crazy, like 6-10 eggs per-day (I’ve 10 hens). It becomes my chore to pick their eggs up as I do not wish to breed more chickens as I already have 12 adult chickens plus 16 chicks more in the hen house.

There’s always heavy rain complete with thunder & lightning during the late afternoon in Alor Star, preventing me to go out for a fresh air or to get online, this because my house/pc aren’t shielded by surge protectors. I hate to think what would the lightning do to my pc when it strikes home, so I better sacrifies recreational time rather than taking chances

By the way my website has moved to another provider again, this time with Interunix. Now I’ve more space, more bandwidth and less users, eliminating the bottleneck of limited bandwidth. I hope that you can access my website without any interruptions from now on. Interunix service and customer support is excellent, I do get important announcements via sms-es from them time-to-time.

p/s : I might come up with a spin-off blog, since I’ve spend a lot of time on developing applications for mobile phone/handheld device. The spin-off might feature stuffs/mistakes/pitfalls that I’ve made during my time spent on programming those devices.

Working for Yourself Makes You Happier

I totally agree with this post, working solely for yourself does makes you more creative and happier :). Trust me, I work for myself and all I can say is, nothing can compare with the flexibility and the level of enjoyment against working for some big corporate entity (unless it’s yours).


But I don’t claim that it will work for you too, some people do enjoy working in cubicles or in factories instead of their own garage or bedroom.

Mypapit GNU/Linux blog is one year old!

blog birthday
Yes, you read it right. My blog is one year old, the first entry on this blog was recorded at April 13, 2005. Truthfully, I never thought it last one year during the first week I wrote that very first entry.

Let’s see if this blog can hold on for another year :D

Dangers of Free Trade Agreement to Malaysian ICT Industry

FTA includes certain clause that will drive our local software company out of business, please don’t let this happen! Do not let what has happened to Australia happen to our ICT industry.

FTA will indirectly let US impose their laws (like DMCA) in our country by letting foreign companies to sue our government, this is clearly unacceptable for a sovereign country like Malaysia. Our ICT industry is endangered by (software) patents infringement lawsuit by US mega-corporations, effectively driving our local ICT companies out of business.

Forget about e-commerce or e-niaga, as a typical e-commerce website are covered in a shitload of patents (See: Patented Webshop). Our local entrepreneur websites will risk patent lawsuits from some faceless foreign companies right in our own soil!

Read more at Free Trade Agreements and ICT Industry

p/s: There’s no doubt that FTA with US will work great for our country, but there are certain clauses which are unacceptable to our local ICT businesses, this is because softwares themselves are unique in nature than other tangible products, and certain terms such Intellectual Property has blurry meaning concerning this issue.

Please read this too
What other people say about FTA with US and ICT industry in Malaysia

The meaning of ‘terror’ in colloquial Malay

If you are living in Malaysia and has a lot of Malay friends, there’s chances that you may encountered these kind of conversation/dialog

A : kau ni memang terror la.
B : Eh aku mana terror bab-bab ni, kau tanya Lim tu

C: mamat tu buat wheelie time korner maut, terror betul !

D: Kena terror jugak nak jawab soalan-soalan ni

In a webster terror means :
n 1: an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety [syn: panic]
2: a person who inspires fear or dread; “he was the terror of
the neighborhood” [syn: scourge, threat]
3: a very troublesome child [syn: brat, little terror, holy

I guess some of you may already know what this ‘terror’ means in the context of conversation. Usually in colloqual Malay, terror means clever,skillful or an expert. I’ve heard this kind of use since before I enter primary school.

The thing is, I can’t help but wonder how this word has come to use widely in malaysian community to describe somebody who are clever, skillful or with expertise. Could it be misinterpretation from an older generation?

What would you call somebody who is an expert in (let’s say) farming ? a terrorist farmer?