Windows Vista Ultimate Powered by Ubuntu

I got this photo from a guy who’s able to con his dad into using Ubuntu by telling him that it is the newly released Windows Vista from Microsoft.

Suprisingly, his dad found out that the new “Windows Vista” is better than OS X and unaware that he’s currently using Ubuntu in his pc.


From the website :

Later, when he came home from work, I showed him his new “Vista” install, complete with the latest Office and Solitaire.

Well, it’s been a few days since that and now he says Bill Gates is better than Steve Jobs and brags about how OS X on my iMac is obsolete compared to Vista on his PC.

Original website :
Screenshot: Ubuntu Vista

[tags]ubuntu,vista,microsoft,windows vista,funny,humor,humour[/tags]

Linux / Unix command line sex jokes

I forgot where I found this joke, but I find it funny when people use Unix command to relay jokes.

alias sex "updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep"

p/s: this is one thing I like about Unix (or Linux), the users and developers are just having way too much fun hacking the platform!

[tags]unix,linux,make,open source, ubuntu, debian, fsck, apt-get[/tags]

The PC, Mac and Linux ads Spoof by Novell

Remember the Mac advertisement about PC and Mac from Apple? Here’s a spoof video made by Novell that adds Linux to the scene.

[coolplayer width=”425″ height=”350″ autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”1″ mediatype=””]
PC,Mac and Linux

Download the high quality video from : Mac vs. PC: How Would Linux Fit?

[tags]linux,mac,windows,pc, computer,opensource,novell[/tags]

RFC 2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol

Wonder how I missed this this peculiar RFC, RFC 2324 : Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol. It was brought out by Toydi a while ago when we were having discussion about REST implementation.

The RFC provides specification for a protocol based on HTTP, which can be use to send signal to a coffee maker appliance which can help people make coffee.

Clearly this is intended as a joke, but it is a well-written RFC which has all the details necessary to build HTCP-compliant coffee maker.

and according to this wikipedia entry, is indeed has been implemented on Emacs and Mozilla browser (through 3rd party patches).

Other Humorous RFC ?
HTCPCP is an example of a well written RFC which is intended as an April Fool’s joke, but it is not the only one produced, please refer here : for a list of RFC written specifically for April Fool’s day.

[tags]humor, funny,internet,rfc[/tags]

DIY Cat Feeder – Powered By Ubuntu Linux!

I found this funny video clip from Ubuntu Video website. the clip is about an Automatic Cat Feeder powered by Ubuntu Linux.


automatic cat feeder

Funny how this guy solve his problems by utilising excess hardware in this manner, creative indeed.

This inspires me to come up with simpler solution when I come accross such problem like this. Sometimes , the toughest problem does not always require an uber-1337 solution.

[tags]ubuntu, linux, diy, opensource, cat, cats, automatic, automation[/tags]