DOSBox 0.63 has been downloaded 1,000,000 times!

For the uninitiated, DOSBox is a DOS Emulator designed specifically to run your old DOS games. Yup, that’s right, old DOS games back in 1990s and late 1980s. Why play old DOS games? We got newer and latest games right here!
First of all, personal preference, some people like to play old games because they simply liked it! Though some of them require some extra reading in the games’ manual, there people who prefer the old dos games.
Second, Older games tends to bring sentimental feeling to it, as you can recall yourself in your younger days, how many are your remembered playing Prince of persia (the original one) and Dune II?
Finally, Old DOS games tends to put gameplay more than high-tech graphic representation than the latest games, well this is not a bad thing because the scene of PC gaming have changed and has been influence by popular gaming console, but there are some people who prefers one over another. For example, The Sims demonstrate that there are people who prefer gameplay factor rather than extensive graphics, and its popular until now.
The only problem is, to find a suitable environment to play your dos games, and I’m used to have the DOS 6.12 in my pc just to play DOS games (and my soundcard has DOS driver), but now with DOSBox, I can play those games right in my GNU/Linux box! Well, DOSBox is available in other operating system too, including MS Windows.
Using DOSBox is easy! you just run the DOSBox executables, and mount your games directory as one of the available DOS drive, pretty simple, and your game will be playable as if it in a real DOS environment.
Happy (DOS) gaming!