sphpblog – php blog scripts with text storage

blog, blogging, sphpblog, php, open source, free software, gnu/gpl

One of my friends is using sphpblog as his blogging platform which makes me curious to try it out myself.

Simple PHP Blog script is a simple blog application which only uses text files as its data storage. This in turn makes it one of the simplest php blog script to install, you just need to unpack it and you’re done (well you need to change some write permission).

sphpblog packs the most features for its size. It has (among others) :

  • Comments
  • Trackbacks
  • Post Category
  • Syndication feed (RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, ATOM 0.3
  • Search feature
  • Article Rating
  • Article views counter
  • Contact Me page
  • Build in blog stats
  • Archives Calendar
  • and many more…!

sphpblog certainly has more than I could expect from a blogging platform, it’s simple requirements of using PHP version > 4.3.x (it supports PHP5 too) and a couple of write permissions makes it easy to install.

Finally, sphpblog is available for download here, under the terms of GNU General Public License version 2.0


Killing time with SuperTux game

My mom’s cousin getting married today, and after going there, I realised that I’ve got so much time in my hands without things to do. So, I’ve decided to try this game, SuperTux.

At first glance, it seems like a nice game, and after installing the game, I felt like it really is! In fact, I spend an hour and a half playing that darn game. By the way, SuperTux is brought to you by the NewBreedSoftware and is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. Though it may seems a bit childish, it reminds me of the good old simpler days of sidescrolling games like Super Mario Bros or DoubleDragon and such. Besides, it serve its purpose of killing some of my extra time, hehe…

[Download SuperTux]

Firefox 1.5 is fast!

I’ve tried Mozilla Firefox 1.5 today (thanks to Acap!), it’s surely fast! Switching between tabs is almost instantly as well as “Back” and “Forward” actions. I haven’t f serious memory-leak yet, as the case of Mozilla Firefox 1.0.x series

Other notable improved :

  1. Supports some CSS3 elements
  2. Supports ATOM 1.0 feeds for Live BookMark
  3. Cool SVG supports

p/s : I just realised that Mozilla Firefox website has been moved to a new domain : http://mozilla.com :p

So why wait? get Mozilla Firefox now

Using Feedcreator to generate ATOM 1.0 feeds

I’m going give out a tip on using feedcreator class library to ease up generating syndication feeds for your web project. As you might know, there are different kind of syndication format out there such as RSS 2.0, RSS 1.0, RSS0.91, ATOM0.3 and ATOM1.0. Each of the syndication format has its own markup (though RSS 0.91 and 2.0 are closely related), making generating feeds from scratch can be quite a chore for your project.

Feedcreator provides an easy way to create RSS and ATOM feeds from within PHP using ease to use classes. However, feedcreator has a couple of drawback :

  1. It does not support ATOM 1.0
  2. Doesn’t support Enclosure
  3. Can’t generate feeds on the fly

Though these drawbacks might not be as serious as I put in here, it is nice to have this features implemented on feedcreator. ATOM 1.0 is a new syndication format issued by IETF as a standard way to produce feeds, ATOM 1.0 has a nice features and more structured layout than the ever-inconsistent RSS feeds.

Though Enclosure tag is optional in RSS 2.0, the tag is significant for those who are into podcasting or photoblogging. Enclosure feature allows for the syndicated feed to not just serve text content, but also to package an enclosure (call it an attachment of some sort), as well. IIn the podcasting model, the RSS enclosure contains an audio file, which subscribers can listen to on their devices.

Generating feeds on the fly is one of the most requested feature of feedcreator. This allows feeds to be generated dynamically upon request as opposed to generating feed on certain event (such as posting new articles). Mambo and PhpGedView project uses modified Feedcreator to generate feeds on-the-fly.

I’ve published a modified version of Feedcreator (namely Feedcreator 1.7.2-ppt) that contains all of these enhancements (or hacks). Here’s a snippets on how to use the additional features :


This demo is to illustrate how to use feedcreator
using outputFeed function, ATOM1.0 and enclosure

Enclosure support is useful if you are into
podcasting or publishing photoblog.

the required parameter for enclosure is url, length
and type (as in MIME-type)


< ? php include ("include/feedcreator.class.php"); //define channel $rss = new UniversalFeedCreator(); $rss->useCached();
$rss->title="Personal News Site";
$rss->description="daily news from me";

//channel items/entries
$item = new FeedItem();
$item->title = "test berita pertama";
$item->link = "http://mydomain.net/news/somelinks.html";
$item->description = "hahaha aku berjaya!";
$item->source = "http://mydomain.net";
$item->author = "my_email@mydomain.net";

//optional enclosure support
$item->enclosure = new EnclosureItem();


//Valid parameters are RSS0.91, RSS1.0, RSS2.0, PIE0.1 (deprecated),

//$rss->saveFeed("ATOM1.0", "news/feed.xml");


You can download the modified version of Feedcreator 1.7.2 from my server, the zip package contains the modified class library, GNU/LGPL license, some demo php file and a diff file against the plain vanilla Feedcreator 1.7.2 for curious people.

p/s : all of the modifications are written by me except outputFeed function which is written by Fabian Wolf.

Download :
Feedcreator 1.7.2-ppt (zip)

Feedcreator website : http://www.bitfolge.de/rsscreator-en.html

PHP – Generate PDF on-the-fly with FPDF

Do you want to create PDF documents online for your commercial software? Now you can do it with FPDF class library. FPDF is a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP without depending on external library such as PDFlib.

What’s wrong with PDFlib? well for starters, PDFlib support need to be compiled in the php to make it work, secondly PDFlib isn’t free software meaning that you need to buy a separate license if you with to use PDFlib to generate pdf docs for your commercial apps and business. On the other hand, though not stated in a formal form, FPDF is freely distributable with or without modification and there are no restriction on the use of FPDF class library.

Of course being a pure PHP implementation, FPDF suffers from the lack speed of PDFlib, but the performance degradation won’t be noticeable unless you are planning to generate a large pdf files. FPDF library has been ported to other languages like Ruby, PHP and and C++ as there’s no restriction imposed on it.

Here’s a link to those who are interested to use FPDF in their projects :

NanoBlogger – a weblog engine in bash

Nanoblogger is a weblog system that is written in GNU bash. It utilises common unix tools like cat, grep, and sed to create static HTML content. Because of this, nanoblogger itself is highly configurable and scriptable.

It also spots the most common feature of popular weblog engine like permalinks, archiving, atom/rss syndication, category, calendar, multi-language support and multi weblog supports.

It simple requirements of bash and some simple unix tools makes it portable across various platform (architecture and operating system). IMHO, considering how small the engine is, Nanoblogger packs the most powerful and useful features that a weblog ever need. A definite use for geeks who spends most of their time in command line driven box.

Source: Nanoblogger website