Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft unavailable for Ship It

With the release of Ubuntu Edgy Eft is approaching (October 26, 2006), I’ve a not so great news to those who are used to get free Ubuntu CDs from ShipIt. Canonical has no plan to make Edgy Eft available on Ship It as Dapper Drake is a long supported release.

So for those who wanted to get Ubuntu Edgy Eft, you can always try the old fashion way by downloading the ISO from Ubuntu Download website and/or buy it from your local cd store.


[tags]ubuntu,edgy eft, dapper drake, debian, linux, distro, gnu/linux [/tags]

6 Replies to “Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft unavailable for Ship It”

  1. Tari Maa ki Choot Bharwaye Randi k Bachye :D Madarchood
    Kuss main aag laga tari maa ki

    Behanchood Randi Gandu Appni Behno ko Khotty per nachane wale :(

    and how to connect internet and how to setup in the ubantu linux

  2. Edgy is not an LTS release, so it probably never will not be available as a “CD product.” The next LTS release is supposed to be available in about six months.

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