Employment: Why Some Malays Won’t Prosper

Note: This post targets specific ethnic group in Malaysia, so it will be written in their native language in hope that the words will get through their skull.

Sebab sebab Melayu takkan maju

Aku tulis ni sebab aku rasa ada sesetengah mentaliti ‘melayu subsidi’ ni memang teruk dan kronik sangat, tak bermaya, tak boleh tolong diri sendiri ada pun duk harap orang lain tolong bagi rezeki.

Aku tulis ni sebab nak bagitau kat sesiapa yang baca blog ni supaya sedar sikit kenapa ada diantara korang tu takder kerja, lepas tu duk salah orang sana sini sebab apa tak bagi kerja kat diorang.

Ada yang tak kerja salahkan bakal majikan sebab require calon cakap bahasa mandarin, ada pulak yang kerja swasta duk salahkan gomen sebab tak bagi kat diorang peluang untuk kerja kerajaan (wtf? Dah ada kerja pun tak syukur?)

Keyakinan dan Kebolehan

Personal experience aku, aku nampak ramai yang tak berkebolehan langsung nak apply kerja tu. Contohnya kalau grad dalam bidang engineering electric, taktau langsung hal-ehwal cara management projek, baca gantt chart etc.

Ada dalam bidang sains komputer dengan IT pulak, bila tulis dalam resume boleh mengaku terror macam-macam programming language: asp,jsp,php,c,java,blablabla siap bleh goreng memacam lagi.

Tapi bila time nak suh tunjuk portfolio dengan demo, rupanya dia reti buat program hello world saja, pulak tu syntax language pun berterabur… :p Sapa nak bagi kerja? Demand gaji pulak RM1,500 – RM2000.

Kalau betul terror, buat la portfolio koleksi projek sendiri (walaupun bagi yang belum bekerja), tunjukkan skill-skill… bubuh dalam fail tu elok-elok, baru la orang boleh yakin. Buat satu online resume yang tunjukkan portfolio tu, untung-untung orang cari kita… takyah la duk meratap-merayu kat org suh bagi kerja kat kita.

Bahasa Mandarin

Baru-baru ni, ada pulak yang tak puas hati pasal ada sentengah kampeni wajibkan bahasa kebolehan Mandarin kepada pemohon kerja. Konon kata mereka racist la, saja takmau bagi kerja kat orang Melayu la, apa la.

Yang pelik persatuan kaum India,Dayak,Siam apa semua tak komplen pun? Tau tak Bahasa Mandarin tu bahasa apa sebenarnya? Baik korang pikir bebaik.

Bahasa Mandarin tu antara bahasa yang dipakai meluas di seluruh dunia, selain dari Bahasa Inggeris, Sepanyol dan Hindustan? Aku tak tipu ni, orang yang duk jadi kaki kecoh dan komplen tu tak buat research, korang ni graduate universiti ke apa? Meh aku spoon feed sikit lagi.

So kalau korang tak reti bahasa mandarin tu memang korang rugi besarla, aku rasa dekat semua universiti ada sediakan kelas bahasa mandarin lagipun. Kalaupun tak sempat nak amik extra class untuk bahasa Mandarin.

Korang boleh pi kat language center yang berlambak ada kat malaysia, boleh blajar bahasa mandarin kat situ, nak seribu daya, lagipun kalau korang desperate sangat nak kerja tu sure korang boleh belajar punya kan?

Kalau taknak belajar pun takpa, ada berlambak lagi jawatan kosong kat malaysia ni dengan syarat korang ada kebolehan (sila rujuk di bahagian atas :p). Sapa yang nak bagi kerja kalau tak reti buat kerja?

Mentaliti Takder Pelajaran & Mematahkan Semangat

Aku bukanla professor atau pakar kaji manusia. Tapi aku dapat rasa ada satu mentaliti yang ada kat sebilangan orang melayu ni, aku taktau nak cakap, tapi aku klasifikasikan sebagai Mentaliti Takder Pelajaran dan Mematahkan Semangat.

Contohnya, sekarang ni boleh dikatakan banyak la orang melayu middle-class. Jadi bila dah ada banyak middle class ni, banyak la jugak anak-anak diorang masuk universiti sebab nak ubah masa depan, nak majukan Malaysia dsbnya.

Tapi ada jugak orang melayu yang suka patahkan semangat anak bangsa sendiri, jangan terkejut! Aku tak pasti sekiranya korang penah terdengar ayat-ayat ni diucapkan.

“Buat apa nak blajar tinggi-tinggi, nanti lepas belajar takder kerja jugak”
Rujuk atas

“Jangan blajar degree direct, amik diploma dulu sebab diploma senang dapat kerja”
Lepas blajar diploma, buat kerja budak SPM jugak :p lepas tu baru “terpaksa” nak sambung degree balik.

takyah blajar diploma langsung pun boleh dapat kerja dan *buat* kerja, tak caya tanya apek-apek (that’s a compliment) dan sesetengah pengusaha kat Malaysia, diorang ada SPM je, tak kurang jugak yang pass darjah 6.

Nak tau bezanya diorang dengan korang yang suka komplen tu? Sebab diorang pakai otak, diorang buat research untuk buat bisnes, diorang research cara nak fight dengan saingan business.

Pendek kata, diorang guna kemahiran analisa diorang tu walaupun sepatutnya korang yang gunakan kemahiran tu sebab korang lulusan universiti :p

“Tak payah sambung master, degree dah cukup, gaji banyak tu jugak”
Rujuk bahagian atas. Ada jugak orang taktau mencari ilmu tu penting, aku assume orang yang nak sambung blajar tu ada kemampuan.

Anyhow, aku rasa kalau seseorang anak tu itu berminat, buat apa nak tahan, btw tahukah anda bahawa sambung blajar master kalau dalam bidang research tertentu boleh mendapat elaun bulanan lebih RM1000? Yuran pembelajaran dijelaskan pulak tu. Kalau kerja pun belum tentu boleh lepas.

“Kenapala blajar Sains Komputer dulu? Tengok sekarang ni dah takder kerja, sama macam anak sedara pakcik”

Hahahaha… tau tak yang orang lain yang belajar dalam bidang lain tah apa-apa pun sanggup re-train balik untuk masuk dalam sektor IT? Sektor IT/Sains Komputer memang banyak kekurangan dalam banyak bidang.

Tentu korang ada pernah dengar graduate pengurusan boleh kerja dalam bidang it, graduate mechanical engineering kerja sebagai web app developer, dan sebagainya?

Nak tau sebabnya? Terdapat berlambak-lambak kerja yang memerlukan lelulusan IT/Sains komputer, sampai orang lain yang ada degree tah apa-apa pun terpaksa kerja dalam bidang IT/Sains komputer sebab diorang sendiri pun takdapat cari kerja dalam bidang sendiri.

Bonus kepada pemegang degree, actually bidang research dalam sains komputer malaysia ni pun masih lagi ketandusan, banyak universiti duk cari researcher dalam bidang bioinformatic, AI dengan keselamatan, memang tak penah cukup orang. Siap Universiti bagi elaun, gaji pulak tu… lepas tu ada peluang travel merata tempat untuk tunjuk hasil kajian korang

Rebutla peluang ni, takkan nak harap diorang call setiap sekor degree holder (yang jumlah beribu-ribu dalam malaysia) kat malaysia ni kot…

So kepada sesiapa yang ada degree/diploma dalam bidang IT tapi tak dapat kerja lagi lepas tu duk komplen pulak sebab degree/diploma sains komputer tak laku, aku rasa baik korang renyuk sijil korang tu buang kat recycle center, aman sikit alam sekitar.

Kepada ‘pakcik’ pulak, amik rotan pukul ponggong anak sedara tu sebab dia takder skill yang sepatutnya terdapat pada lulusan universiti. (rujuk atas).

Kalau mak-bapak korang penah kena tanya soalan camtu, then suh diorang baca website ni.

Checklist graduate sains komputer/it (papit style)

Sorry aku tak boleh buat checklist utk graduate electrical engineering atau mechanical engineering, sebab aku takder pengalaman first hand. Sila tanya orang yang berkaitan.

  1. Apa skill peribadi aku? (B.Mandarin, B.Jepun, pandai hasut orang, pandai buat lawak, pandai berucap)
  2. Seumur idup aku, penahkah aku buat application penuh (selain untuk tesis) ?
  3. Boleh ke aku coding satu web application php/asp/jsp lengkap tanpa rujuk buku?
  4. Pernah ke ramai orang (termasuk orang US, UK, Sepanyol, Uganda) guna web application tu? Berapa ramaikah anggaran pengguna?
  5. – Ulangi soalan 3 dan 4 untuk desktop/standalone application pulak –
  6. Pernahkan aku selesaikan masalah orang lain dengan ciptaan aku?
  7. Adakah orang puji dan suka akan hasil development aku?

Pikir sendiri kalaukorang tak boleh buat benda-benda atas tu, sebab korang dah pernah buat tesis, pernah defend final project, tapi takkan benda kecik camtu tak boleh buat?

Jadi jangan salahkan situasi kalau tak berupaya nak dapat kerja.

-tammat- << tiru filem cathay keriss

39 Replies to “Employment: Why Some Malays Won’t Prosper”

  1. Hi All,

    While I support the notion of equality and sharing in a multicultural society, I do think that one of the biggest problem in the country that has yet to be solved is the racial profiling and everything must be about race, right down to the various forms you fill to get into university.

    If the government wants to help out the poor (irregardless of race), I think it is good because uplifting of the nation in general is good for everybody. Including the business community.

    NEP has its weaknesses and one of its biggest challenge is still to disconnect itself from a race-based subsidy program into a multicultural-based program for all (irregardless of race).

    Again, it is all a matter of perception, abolish the race-based programs. Promote equality for all. Stop looking at the others persons race but work hard to the betterment of yourself and your family.

    And if the other person isn’t as fortunate as you (in terms of monetory), whether it is by choice or not, count yourself lucky and don’t pour crap on them. Everyone has to pay their dues before they are rewarded by God…

    Mohd Ali Rahman

  2. Hi. You cakap memang betul. Tapi subsidi itu bukan tak bagus, ia ada kebaikannya. Hanya cara pembahagiannya mungkin tidak tepat, hanya orang-orang yang tertentu sahaja yang dapat.
    Cuba kita memperubahsuaikan insyallah nikmatnya jauh lebih baik jika orng susah dapat nikmatinya.
    Bumi orng Melayu jangan sampai terjual kepada bangsa lain kerna kita dah tak ada negri lain, jangan pula nanti generasi akan datang pula akan menggelar kita pendatang pula….Fikirkan lah seperti negeri Jiran awak, menterinya ada mengatakan bahawa semua rakyat singapura pendatang termasuk orng melayu, padahal johor itu bumi melayu dan yang terdekat dari segala tanah asing. Jadi ambil ini teladan.

  3. Perkara ini belaku kat mata di syk bumi atau GLC. Bila breakdown, CEO turun padang, tergesa-gesa nak selesaikan masaalah itu. Bila sampai padang, hilang semua engineer dan pekerja. CEO tanya spaner, ankat lebih setengah jam baru dapat. Bila tanya apa sebab, sedang cari mana letak. Kalau pekara ini belaku dalam kilang swasta, CEO akan goreng engineer dan pekerja itu. Tapi bagi GLC or bumi co. kalau kena goreng, engineer dan pekerja akan guna UMNO sue balik majikan atau tukar CEO. Bukan semua bumi tak boleh maju, cuma tak nak terima hakikatnya. Bukan syk bumi atau GLC akan gagal, masaalah ialah pekerjanya, semua bumi, relak bro atitude.

  4. relax lah brother………. pasal marah,marah semua..? goment kan ada…kita keja jeh la…… tak pon jual burger……..

  5. To mypapit,

    To your question of whether I am an Umno: I am, but as a “no choice” situation. Not that I 100% support their policy but better to have a leader than none at all. Umno is not at fault but it is some of its leaders in there. Its objective is in the right direction, only in its implementation need to be corrected.

    Proton and some of the big GLCs and the “protected” companies where most; if not all, are run by Malays, some will definitely fail because what experience do they have? The other big non-bumiputra won’t teach them so they are on their own. 20 years against 150 years is a pretty long time to compare. The Malays and Indians have been sidelined for 150 years, suddenly they are saddled with big responsibilities; some will definitely fail and more maybe when the other non-bumiputra companies do not give them the support.

    But try to look for Bumis that have worked in MNCs and then were given the opportunity to ran GLCs or big Bumi companies, you would notice that they succeeded easily, Idris Jala is no exception. He was from Shell. Shell and many MNCs do not discriminate or sidelined Bumis, they give them the opportunity. Given these opportunities to work in a nurturing and conducive environment; the bumis can excel later in their career.

    The divide on education and English is getting bigger when it is further concentrated in terms of access to the town/cities areas where the non Malays are mostly there and it is further compounded by the cost of excelling in education, as the non-Malays have more disposable income to spend in education and education related matters.

    The gap between the number of graduates non-Malays and Malays is narrowing; actually it is a good sign, but what is now needed is to put those graduates in the right companies to be nurtured and later excel to lead companies and thus hoping in the long run the equity gap will narrow.

    The question now is at the companies’ level, the non-bumis are not helping the bumis to take key positions or at least to be mentored by those who are experts. Today the Bumis in this non- bumi conpanies are mostly in non key position; Security, HR, logistics, etc. Isn’t it obvious?

    The NEP policies are good and it was even acknowledged by the founding drafters/supporters where even some of them are the non-bumis themselves. But the PROBLEM is the implementers (some are for their personal gains, as an example) and there are no monitoring bodies to ensure that it is on track (to ensure that those who are for personal gain are kicked out). THAT need to be done or rectified.

    There are more that need to be done because it has turned out that there are many hurdles to that Holy Grail (30% equity), 20 years to catch up the 150 years is a long long time to be done in a space of 30 years. There are bound to be mistakes.

    Examples of hurdles:

    1. The Malay mind set and culture need to be changed especially those from the rural areas, town people are more receptive.
    2. The non bumis must realize that the NEP is a must and they have to change their mind set that it is regressive; they have been brainwashed by more because of political reason to garner votes than an actual fact that it is benefiting a particular race only.
    3. Again the non-bumis must permit the bumis take on bigger/key positions or at least to ran along side their key people so that the bumis too could learn.

    Something for you to ponder. Do you realize that the US give opportunities to all, so much so that those who do not will be prosecuted. This law (through the courts) is actually to help the underprivileged, it goes by this: if an institution does not hire blacks (as an example) they can be SUED (sounds familiar?). Have you ever hear of a Black company being sued for not hiring Whites, (sex or age discriminations, etc)? Again, The US were independent 200 years ago. Malaysia only 50 years. America abolish slavery 100 years ago (though they give the blacks equal opportunities only 50 years later. All this are facts. You don’t change a culture overnight nor without correcting the wrongs along the way.

    My biggest fear and Malaysia ’s biggest threat to this NEP (and the harmony it eventually would create) is from the so-called self made man or success of some BUMIs themselves. They are the cancer within the Malays themselves because they have been brainwashed into thinking that the NEP is regressive. They have forgotten their roots, not knowing the overall disparity of the races that need to be corrected in terms of education, wealth, career opportunity, education, etc, etc. Because of a simple reason: demographic; I don’t think I need to explain this history lesson again. Mahathir was right; the Malays forget easily.

    You mentioned about Globalization. There was an interesting article by Hardev@alumni.KSG.Harvard.edu in Nstp about 4 weeks ago regarding USA practicing double standards. Where they impose 70 % local ownership (American) if Virgin Airlines (British) were to opened there. What is that then? All this globalization, FTA, and other bullshit(s) are more political and self protectionism then anything else. As if you do not know America …

    Two things are important:

    1. Ensure that the NEP is to be done the correct way; kicked out the self interest groups or individuals and have a monitoring body to ensure that all its objectives (Proton too as an example) must be in line.
    2. Change the mind set of all races the importance of sharing of the cake equally and working towards it together, otherwise the eventual results is to disaster.

    The NEP is not about one particular race being given an advantage but it is to dispel the inequity so as to work towards a real equal opportunity and the long term harmony of the country.

    Interesting articles for you to read too.


  6. Hey TRR,

    Are you from UMNO,because I’m sure as hell can smell the traits of propaganda in every sentence you’ve written.

    Tell me TRR,who are the MAIN beneficiary of NEP?
    And since you’ve mention that non-GLC does not hire Malays,don’t you think the government is also practising the same discrimination by not hiring non-malays for top government job,a simple example…the VC post of public universities.

    I’m not for the non-Malays,but the universe tends to unfold itself,what goes around comes around. If we have such policies to ‘protect’ our own race,hence the other race will be forced to do so,isn’t that natural?

    Instead of sympathizings and playing a shoulder to cry-on for the Malays,maybe you should offer a drill-sergeant advice. An unworthy rock becomes a diamond by being pressured,then only it becomes valuable. So,if the Malays are made to be on their feed, perhaps only then will they learn how to walk without crutches.

    Let me give you an anology, instead of an individual, we’ll replace it with an organization – Proton. Proton was born out of a dream to have amongst others a national car and the dream of Malays in the automotive industry – malays being technocrats. It was a splendid vision,but with one flaw at the beginning – protectionism and conformity. In order to make Proton a 1st choice among Malaysia,buyers were forced to pay steep prices for a car,compared to the competitors model,with better quality. Trade barriers were introduce,300% tax for foreign cars etc to safeguard the ‘Malay’ interest that vested in Proton. Many Malays became instant millionaire, either by becoming a dealer or supplying parts for Proton.

    Fast forward 22 years later,with global trade liberalization, opening markets and new global trends. Even communist China now wants to do trade and dreams of becoming a global player. Malaysia,not to be out done,signs trade agreements with reduces tariffs and ultimately remove trade barriers – to be among the big boys. The first casualty is Proton,thanks to 20 years of sitting on its laurel,face no competition and ridden with substandard and conformity. Buzzwords like Quality Control/Assurance are as foreign to this GLC as a nasi lemak to an Eskimo. From a company which stocks traded at RM10,a RM1.5 bil cash rich company now pounded almost to oblivion.

    Now,sit carefully and think what actually went wrong. Did the government gave preferential treatment for 20 years to Proton,didn’t Proton have a 99% hiring Malay only policy,didn’t Proton had an almost 99.9% vendors who are all Malay?

    The Malaysian government has crossed the Rubicon – signed trade agreements etc and it can’t turn back now. Thousands of speeches delivered from the PM and other ministers from NY to Cuba on Malaysia’s effort of becoming a global player.

    So,with the same note,replace Proton with Malay. Let’s focus here on Malay. For years,the same treatment the government has given to Proton is similar to what is extended to Proton. How many Bill Gates,Michael Dell or Warren Buffet has NEP churned out,or did NEP only enriched the bourgeois class of the Malays while leaving the crumbs to the rest of the kampung folks?

    And back to unemployment to local Malay graduates,what else that has not been spoon-fed that needs to be pushed down their throats to make them more effective?

    answers welcome…

  7. What papit wrote makes so much sense. I would rather starve than to be given handouts. I always believe that one should strive for one wants rather than just taking it or even demand for it. This is no less than being a pirate.
    The idea of NEP is to maintain a balance economy so that all rakyat irrespective of races can benefits. But so sad to say, the implementation of the NEP is not effective.
    That is the main reason why year in year out things are still the same. It’s nearing 2 generations already since NEP had been launched but yet more demands and counter claims are being heard daily. It is a mockery and definitely a crime by these so called NEP executors who are abusing NEP for thier own benefits.
    I was denied a place to study because of the NEP. Why should this be so? I am a Malaysian too. I doesn’t want my children to be deprived of their rights too…….and for these thoughts which I have 3 red roses will definitely call me a racist and other names; this is so sad and narrow thinking. My fellow Malaysians, in South Africa this was call Apartheid. I consider myself doing ok now even though I was not “assisted” and I know that what I have now are all hard earned and well deserved.
    I will definitely support and willing to give the NEP another shot provided it is being implemented effectively;………….by the right people..
    I would like to end my comment with a few terminolgy (self explainatory) forwarded to me by my malay friends….

    1) Umnoputra
    2) Kulifications
    3) Melayupoly
    4) Kroni……

    deprived but surviving

  8. It seems that you have been poisoned by your owned race who feels that as if we do not have the right attitude to think. Study deeper my friends and look at why our Malays are not that good, just becuase they speak lousy English you condemn them like hell.

    The malay interllectuals are not at the ground level to fully understand the situation; the easy way is to say we oursleves are lazy.

    I have interview hundreds of bumis and non bumis and actually there is no different in their attitude. But one thing is for sure; most Bumis were never given the opportunity to take critical positions, so how can they learn. And of course, because of that the numbers of Bumis that excel are low. The sad part is that most of these bumis that excel because they were given the “special” opportunity, but they forgot that and claims that they worked like shit and thus can comment that most other bumis that cannot make it are because they are lazy. Such ingrates.

    Read on if you want to know more.

    We should do a study on the Malay participation in the top non-bumi and non-GLC companies. What is the ratio? I think it is “miserable”. How are we going to achieve the NEP objectives or specifically the equity ratio if the bumis are always side-lined for KEY POSITIONS at top companies. How many companies or GLCs can the government make, its just to few for the bumis to be in the “training” ground.

    Worst still is when now the non-bumi is demanding that we throw away the NEP. But have they looked inwards in their own companies (the non-bumi and non-GLC)? The ratio is pathetic.

    I think all the bumi intellectuals wants to be fair; why not we study the above and show that the failure of the NEP is the failure of the non-bumis in trying to help the bumi (???) in achieving the NEP’s objectives.

    Read on, I would appreciate your opinion.

    Lets go to the fundamental. Thus we have to take a little history lesson because it seems that we never learn from our past mistakes.

    Take USA, they have been independent for more than 2 centuries and being called one of the most civilised nation, and yet the last race riot was not more than three decades ago, or 170 years after independence!

    Lets look at our close neighbours; Thailand and Philippines. Basically they have one main religion and one main race. And yet in recent years (for Philippines) or recent months (for Thailand) there have been riots due to unhappiness with the government.

    In fact when we look closely at most of the major protest and riots or civil unrest anywhere in this world; people are not happy because of a common reason: irrespective of race or religion. That two reason (race and religion) were just an excuse or we are blinded by it so as to be distracted from the real reason.

    So what is it? The answer is simple and very fundamental. Food on the table. Yes, I do not want to elaborate it in fine detail, as that would take several pages, maybe chapters. But I want you all to really think about it, open your mind and really ponder into it.

    What I mean by food on the table is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; food, shelter, security and the likes.

    Thailand and Philippines: the disparity between the “have it??? and “have not??? was so great that people were very angry, because the very powerful few (Thaksin and Marcos) were having lavish life while the poor is without food and shelter. More so for a group of minority that was marginalised and treated unfairly (Muslims in the Thai’s and Philippines’ south).

    The USA was no exception, the blacks were then not given power (sharing) and they were ignored. But it is now “under control??? because the government has at one time put in an affirmative action that put a strong message to the general public that actually works, and whether by design or by coincidence (or fluke); makes it into law. That is: you cannot discriminate a person based on his colour or religion in hiring for a job; for studying in a school or university; or even to enter a club!

    Effectively this law of indirect affirmative action ensures equality. That is why companies were “prone??? to hire other races as well in their companies, or else being accused of being racist. At the same time, the US government realise that the blacks (or non-whites for that matter) were coming from poor families, poor neighbourhood, etc. Thus the Government do the natural thing; give support in whatever manner possible in many areas; at least and most fundamental; food on the table and a roof for shelter. The riots and protest were gone; and slowly the non-whites were given more opportunities to go up. And we now have a black (lady some more!) as US state secretary.

    You look at Japan and some of the most advanced European countries as an example, the poverty line is almost nil, because of that there are practically no riots, etc. But you will notice that UK and a very few European countries have riots because some of these people who riot are actually poor without food or shelter. The government take the convenient excuse that they are Muslims (riots in UK), while quoting race as the reason behind it.

    If that is true, then they must use the same rationale that because the Thais are Buddhist that there are riots in Thailand, or because the Pilipino are Christians that there are riots in Philippines. You will now begin to see that in both cases it is the hungry and the poor are behind the riots. It is also the same that happened to the Roman civilisation. It was religion that save these people, because it gives them hope and strength to fight against the powerful but selfish leaders. That is also the same reason why the old Communist China and Russia were having atheist government because they knew that religion binds poor people, without religion there is no hope or strength. The same again that happened during the Roman Empire.

    In Singapore, it is a communist state. They are using the loped-sided law and selected people to their advantage. Any dissent will be prosecuted. The Muslims and Malays are marginalised but how can they protest?, their numbers are too small and they don’t have the resources (e.g. money). As for Indonesia, the Chinese are very rich, that is why the majority of the poor are angry and are “bullying??? them, because the Chinese are not sharing it. (Sounds familiar?).

    In Malaysia, it is important that all it citizens irrespective of race must be aware of its history as to why we have become like this and why there has been poor improvement in terms of the equity sharing.

    During the colonial days, it was to the advantage of the colonist to divide and rule. It makes sense and easy to do. The Chinese flock among themselves in towns and mining areas. The Indian at the estates, while the Malays at the coastal and farming areas. It is natural for the colonist to do this because unity among us would bring strength and independence (which it did in 1957).Thus, it was good for the colonist to separate us, but the disparity in terms of being poor and rich were getting worst, naturally the poor Malays and Indians were angry and jealous of the Chinese and colonist, it boils down in the fundamentals: food and shelter.

    We have recently celebrated our 49th year of independence. The question of race and religion is a misguided notion that it is splitting us. The more serious notion is that the NEP is causing us harm. On the contrary! The NEP is keeping us in the balance as long as the equity factor is not corrected.

    Try to imagine if suddenly the NEP is taken out! Automatically, the Chinese will stop hiring the Malays and Indians. The Chinese will thus get richer and the non-Chinese will get poorer and it will come to a point where it may blow up (sounds familiar?).

    Why did I state the word “ automatically???? It is because the Chinese in Malaysia has this notion that Malays are lazy and Indians are useless. They did not realise that this is not Singapore, where the power is in one particular group and the largest. Thus, what will happen in Malaysia would be the same to the Indonesian Chinese, not because they are Chinese but because they have food and shelter; plenty of it! While the non-Chinese are poor and hungry.

    The hungry or poor couldn’t care less about who is the ruling government as long as there is food on the table. At the ways things are going now (as from 2 Dec 2006), with the rise in petrol, the toll, the electricity, the water, practically everything; the majority of the lower income (irrespective whether they are Malays, Chinese or Indian) will be hard pressed. There will be less food, no shelter (houses being taken away by the banks), as there are no jobs, etc. If the government is not doing anything about this, there might be a riot soon. The signs are there. There are already pickets and protests around Malaysia but the news are being censored and suppressed.

    The issue on race, NEP, religion, higher crime rate, suicide, Alongs, people leaving the country, etc, are only manifestation to find an excuse of people complaining of becoming poorer each day.

    The equity ratio is important so that all races will enjoy a fair share of the cake. But the Malays and Indians cannot achieve the targeted ratio because of this unsubstantiated fear by the Chinese that they will be marginalised. Look at 80% of the large Chinese business communities in Malaysia; you will not find Malays or Indians holding key or critical positions. Thus it is in a precarious balance; the Malay needs to uphold the NEP to give opportunity to the Malays (for food and shelter) because the Chinese are not willing to give opportunities to the Malays (or Indians) because the Chinese fear that they will be less powerful later. Thus this cycle will never end. Their fears are unfounded.

    To me, once everybody is given the opportunity to share the equity equally (thus food and shelter to everybody), only then the need for the NEP becomes unnecessary. The founding partners/architects in the construction of the NEP were right and knew that it would bring equilibrium among the races, but if one party was not given the opportunity or equal share of the pie, then the NEP has to continue to prevent unhappiness to the other. As long as the targeted equity is not reached, the need to have the NEP is necessary for the good of all the races. Otherwise the consequences are obvious, it has happened throughout history in one form or the other in all parts of the world and yet we never learn.

    The current state of events in Malaysia is getting critical, many basic related needs are getting more expensive: petrol, toll, electricity and water. As these things increase, all other basic essentials will go up too. It also makes one wonders whether we are living in this country or “renting??? to stay in it. What is the use of paying income tax then, and yet to pay toll, to pay high prices for petrol that this country get from underneath us, what are the benefits in this country then? Even to feel safe I have to pay security guards to look after my family/house/community, what is the police doing then?

    Everything now as if we have to pay to get anything. The matter is compounded by companies that are closing down, companies that are merging, etc. which result in people out of jobs, etc. The government are having new projects to spur the economy; what is key is that it must ensure that the masses have jobs so that the masses have money to buy food and shelter for themselves and their families. There is no point to have mega projects that would benefit the few, benefit the foreigners only or projects that are being done overseas. If the government do not address this, there goes the election and bye-bye the harmony in Malaysia the land that I love so much.


  9. Agree mr papit. I think most of our graduates ni dah menjadi kebiasaan di spoonfed untuk most of the things. Macam masa aku nak interview candidates untuk jawatan Network Security Analyst. Most of the candidates yang datang interview semua IT related degree holder. The most interesting is UITM which most of their candidates have Networking and Data Communication Degree but during interview then I realized the true meaning of “Don’t Judge a candidate by his paper qualifications”

    1. Most of these degree holders failed even to draw simple network diagram.
    2. No or little knowledge about the job itself
    3. Most of them can’t even explain back about their final project.
    4. Even one candidate even dare to challenge me on his belief that firewall filter based on hostname.
    5. Not even prepared for the interview. Atleast browse thru the internet and make some research about Security Analyst, job scope, requirement etc.
    6. No idea whut is network security

    There are other things which if I type it down here will be longer than your post la. Yang menyedihkan is most of them are Malays and for those UITM grads, AFAIK there is a security class for them as well.

    I am Malay as well but please dun be too sensitive about that. What u want to be proud of our own race if most of the time ppl will associates us with laziness, spoonfed-type, envy, too dependable and many other negative elements. I am proud to be Malaysian and for me it doesnt matter if u r chinese/indian/sikh or other races as all of us who are responsible for this country. Lets work together, and please dun judge ppl based on their race, but based on their capabilities, knowledge and other positive traits.

  10. korang senang cakap sebab korang bernasib baik dapat kerje…. cuber korang yang berade kat tempat dioarng… malaysia dah banyak kuarkan graduan tapi kiter kene pikir pulak tentang tempat kerje…. aku mmg x suke orang mengutuk bangse sendiri…. kalu ko cukup aper yang ko cakap naper ko x bukak syarikat sendiri tolong graduan kite. naper masih kerja bawah orang. jgn pandai cakap jer tapi x pikir perasaan orang lain. idup nie mmg macam tue x semue orang bernasib baik laaa… mungkin ari nie ari korang. korang pikir balik aper korang cakap nie sebelu m menyokong… mmg aku bangkang abis?. aku sendiri x semprne aku x reti cakap mandarin jadi naper nak agungkan bahasediorang. kalu x keje ngan orang keje sendiri x leh ker. aku mmg x setuju betul ngan ayat? ko. ko tau pasal it ok fine naper ko nak bongkak.. naper kat malaysia nie ko sorang jer ker yang pandai… bak kate ko sendiri diorang goreng jer resume, kalu x goreng ko ingat senang nak cari kerje, ingat tuhan satu bukan 2 atau 3, jgan bongkak. aku minx maaf kalu kenyataan aku nie menyakitkan hati korang tapi kiter sebagai orang melayu xpayah ler kutuk bangse sendiri… semue bangse ader kelemahan tapi buat aper kite banggekan bangse orang… baik buruk bangse kiter sendiri ….. assalamualaikun

  11. assalamualaikum…. aku setuju dgn kritikan ko tapi ko x perasan ker yang ko mengate tue bangse ko sendiri. ader betulnyer kt cakap tapi kiter x leh just sekadar cakap jer … kiter kene buat sesuatu… kalu nak cakap jer aku leh cakp mcm? tapi kalu xder per perubahan wat per… naper ko cakap jer x tolong n bantu diorang…

  12. I totally agree with your comments.
    I work as a HR executive in a well known company. Whenever I call the Malay candidates for interview, they’ll reply “I’ll call you back if I’m interested”. Why the hell apply when you’re not interested? Some would ask “What post did I apply in your company”. I have to say I did not find such comments from Chinese and Indians. I think it’s a real shame Malays have this attitude towards working. But I do encounter some Malays who really deserves praises. Kudos to them!

  13. Akum gang…bagi aku gaji x penting yang penting leh buatker takleh buat atau ader Minat! Janganlah Cakap besar tapi haram tak reti…mcm aku bidang IT ni agak lama aku kenal..tapi baru mendalami…Aku stakat Diploma ajer..Multimedia! tapi Alhamdulillah aku LI dpt terus kejer situ…nak masuk 2 tahun..naik pangkat IT Exec…skng ni cuti tanpa gaji ambik microsoft.net sebab banyak bender tak tahu…slagi aku hidup aku nak blajar lagi…MCSE,LSA dah ader…skngpun aku buat degree PJJ klau xder per hal aku nak ambik CCNA!! Jadi janganlah bodoh Sombong mari belajar…

  14. sebab nak masuk kerajaan,interview senang…tak perlu menggunakan bahasa ‘penjajah’ yang mereka sendiri tidak kuasai…tidak perlu menduga akal dengan ujian IQ atau pun soalan2 yang memerlukan pemikiran yang kritis. Oh,satu lagi kenapa graduan Melayu suka kerja kerajaan,sebab ramai Melayu,dan tidak terasa asing,boleh ber’abang’ dan ber’kakak’. Mereka tidak perlu bersaing dengan bangsa2 lain. Kurang persaingan,maka kurang ‘effort’ mereka. Boleh kerja relaks,pukul 4 atau pukul 5 boleh balik dah.

  15. saya setuju dengan pendapat awak ni, memang ramai graduan sekarang yang mengharapkan kerajaan saje

  16. Dila,

    So stop whining and complaining like little spoil brats you undeserving grads. Dari sekolah menengah sampai masuk U,as Malay or Bumi dah diberi macam2 kemudahan…dari preference quota nak masuk Uni to loan and scholarships (majority),lepas tuh bila kerja…preferences lagi…GLC kebanyakan hire Malays…goverment sector and agencies lagi…and yet despite all that… :). Compare your benefits as to your Chinese,Indians etc … diorang pun bayar cukai…more than Malays…cukai digunakan kerajaan nak buat universiti,bagi duit kat MARA untuk MARA bagi loan kat orang Melayu…dll…
    This is 2006,not 1956…the world has change and if you want to survive,think globally…not Kampung-ly.
    I feel so sick when I hear these local undergrads complain about this,complain about that,do something…think..that’s why you went to university in the first place,to be thought how to think…
    Promuda? The association is defunct and nothing more than a yuppie-network wanna-bees.

  17. sbb post ni ler saya register n subscribe ur entries.. u really made me realize that we ARE living in a multi-racial community. and learning/knowing other ppl’s language (even only 1 lang.)besides ur own have it’s own advantages. plus, it won’t hurt pronouncing some of the words incorrectly in ur 1st few classes (FYI, i’m taking mandarin as an elective course now in my univ.), coz i know what my targets are and i’ll work my ass off towards it!!
    u cant blame the companies who put “knowing mandarin (or any other languages) is an advantage” as selfish. the other races were forced to learn Malay (wajib in schools) so, why not we learn theirs? isn’t it easier when u know what other ppl are talking about and not assuming that they are bad talking u when u dont understand shit what they are talking about?? this goes out to all.. not just us malays.. indians n chineses, ibans, kadazans, etc2… let’s live in harmony!!

  18. Last weekend,keluar article kat Sunday Times,Education. The Best Brains no longer join academia i.e Institution of Higher Learning. They join corporate sector,where the pay and benefits are high,they are well compensated. So,who are these people who joins academia (part of the goverment sector)? Those who can’t secure a job in private sectors,those who can’t take the ever demanding task being in private sector. Its so true.

    So what happen when a half-past six educator educates the aspiring minds of tomorrow? They’ll pass down thier sub-standardness to the students and the university ends up mass producing an entire generation of half-past six graduates and 100,000 (and increasing) graduates,especially Malay and especially female end up jobless and being a liability to the entire tax paying population.

  19. Papit, we shared the same opinion here but i’ll nvr had a chance to voice out – last time i did reply to one of promuda emails regarding why IT Graduates didnt get a job? And some of your points here are same with me but i really wanna add one more point that i had voiced out last time – I did said that there are too many 2nd class and 3rd class colleges that manipulate education sectors as their gold mines !! Cheers papit –

    yg benar
    sQew :-D

  20. My friend,

    You made a good comment, however, the message did not reach the target groups. You should write to the daily papers, then it will be read by many.

  21. papit,

    aku tertarik bab portfolio tu. ape benda yg nk taruk kt portfolio tu kalo kite ade skill dlm bidang computer network?

  22. papit,

    good point. aku lepasan degree comp. engine, tapi skang keje as IT exec. Sbab aku minat IT. well, actually related je … but course yg aku amik dulu more to electronics.

    pasal bahasa tu .. aku mmg stuju. aku rasa memana yg duk KL tu .. leh je gi amik kat UiTM shah alam. huhu. thanks.

  23. MrPapit.
    satu artikel yang bagus,70% of your points make sense. We can depends on no one except ourselves to make the changes.

  24. papit dear, i totally 100% agree with your points, enough said, all of this are so true. malulah bangsa kita mcm ni. patut ko post jer artikel ni kat news memana.. (make sure takder org plagiat artikel ko ni!)

  25. Yosh.. aku teramat2 setuju la ngan apa yg en. papit tulis… betul2 tepat kene dengan situasi skrng..memang tu semua berlaku dan aku pn penah kene dengan kata2 pakcik tu (“Kenapala blajar Sains Komputer dulu? Tengok sekarang ni dah takder kerja, sama macam anak sedara pakcik?)….tp aku dapat kerja dengan kebolehan dlm Sains Com…..syukran2….

  26. bagus betol apa yang papit tulis sebab memang betol ramai tulis resume power tp sebenarnya takda apa apa pon.. :)
    dah tu nak gaji riban riban..

  27. saya termatlah setuju dengan encik papit :P
    ni lah mentaliti budak2 melayu zaman sekarang
    nak kerja gaji ribu2 pi balik noreh getah laa lagi bagus

  28. I cant agree more than you. Your points are strong and valid. I wish there are more people (to be spesific, malays) have mindset like you. Keep it up! and congrats because your article this time really knock my door to voice out!!!

  29. I reply in English lah… my BM is teramat karat!

    You raised some very good points and I believe this can be a lesson to all youths not just Malays in particular.

  30. walaupun dalam bm, payah aku kena baca, tapi i like babe. i think u have a point, since there are so many IT grads out there, one must make the effort to be oustanding even before graduating. like building up an impressive CV for example.

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