Buzz!! – Yahoo like IM shake with Pidgin Nudge plugin

I think most of you may have already migrated to Empathy, the default Instant Messenger client for the GNOME desktop environment. But I still use Pidgin IM because I like its functionality and its expandable plugin architecture.

I am a Yahoo Messenger user, and one thing that I miss about when using Pidgin (either on Linux or Windows) is the “shake-effect” whenever I receive “Buzz” or “ding” from my contacts. Back in 2003 (when Pidgin still was called Gaim) I tried replicating that effect, but to no avail. However, just a couple of weeks ago I discovered “pidgin-nudge“, a plugin that shakes conversation window when it receives “Buzz”,”nudge” or “ding” from contacts. Here’s how it looked :

Installing pidgin-nude on Ubuntu linux is easy! First make sure you have Pidgin 2.6.x and above installed. Then you have to install “pidgin-dev” package alongside with “build-essential” to compile the plugin source code, as shown in the example below.

sudo apt-get install subversion pidgin-dev build-essential
svn checkout pidgin-nudge-read-only
cd pidgin-nudge-read-only
sudo make install

Happy Buzzing!

Upgrade Pidgin to solve Yahoo messenger Issue

Regarding the previous post Solving Pidgin Yahoo Messenger Connection Problem , the temporary solution may not work anymore as Yahoo already upgraded their server to accept newer authentication mode.

Pidgin logo

The good news is, users can download the latest Pidgin release (2.5.7) in order to keep connected with Yahoo Messenger.

For Ubuntu users, Pidgin 2.5.7 is available for download from the Click-and-Run portal. Just select Pidgin package, and choose to open it with gdebi.

Hopefully you can solve the Pidgin login problem through this post.

How to solve Pidgin Yahoo Messenger Connection Problem

pidgin logo

Lately, it seems that some people are having trouble connecting pidgin to Yahoo Messenger services. The problem seems to be associated with the Yahoo server itself.

Solving the Yahoo Messenger problem
A temporary solution for this problem is to change the Pidgin YM server setting.

Go to Accounts->Select your YM screen name->Edit Account->Advance.

Then change the original value of “” to any of these ip address:, ,,,,,,

As shown on the screenshot :

Pidgin Modify Account

Note that this is only a temporary solution and you should only use this as the last resort.

How to make pidgin display Instant Messenger protocol ID

I heard some people complained that pidgin does not show the messenger protocol for the buddies associated with your account. Actually this feature was indeed incorporated in Pidgin, only it is not enabled by default.

To enable the it, you only need to go to Buddies->Show, and select Protocol Icons option. Pidgin should display messenger protocol icon on your buddies list.

Here’s a screenshot which explains the step



From the screenshot you can easily spot which buddies are from jabber protocol and Yahoo Messenger protocol. I hope this particular tip would be useful to you!