This blog now runs on PHP 7!

Hi all,

I’m proud to announce to all the after several tinkering, this blog now runs on PHP 7 ! PHP 7 is the latest iteration of the popular general-purpose scripting language that is suited to web development.

PHP7 is touted to perform up to TWO TIMES faster than PHP5.

Here are the performance benchmark run by Kinsta has shown that PHP7 has significantly improved performance when compared to PHP 5.6.

  • WordPress 4.3.1 HHVM RepoAuthoritative benchmark result: 375.48 trans/sec
  • WordPress 4.3.1 HHVM benchmark result: 357.69 trans/sec
  • WordPress 4.3.1 PHP 7.0 benchmark result: 306.24 trans/sec
  • WordPress 4.3.1 PHP 5.6.16 benchmark result: 106.45 trans/sec

* Retrieved from Kinsta: The Definitive PHP 7.0 & HHVM Benchmark

Next I’ll update you with the guide on howto run and execute PHP7 and PHP5 side-by-side to cater for multiple websites.

Stay tuned, and expect more posts and updates from this venerable blog anyday now :p

Easyrec – Integrate Recommender Engine in your website – open source

Easyrec is an open source recommender engine which can be trained and customized to provide personalized recommendations using REStful Web Service.

Easyrec exposes its functionality through REST API which provides several interaction types:


  1. view
  2. buy
  3. sendaction


  1. other users also viewed
  2. other users also bought
  3. items rated good by other users
  4. recommendations for user
  5. related items
  6. action history for user

Community Rankings

  1. most viewed items
  2. most bought items
  3. most rated items
  4. best rated items
  5. worst rated items

The list of recommendations is returned in XML and JSON notation to be further processed by your web application.

Easyrec API can be accessed from its main website or could be installed alongside with the web application on your own server. Easyrec require at least Java 1.5 and MySQL server for its functionality.

Download easyrect from:

How to Optimize and speed up PHP with OPCache

PHP 5.5 and 5.6 comes with OPCache. OPCache speeds up PHP execution by storing precompile bytecode of PHP in shared memory. Taking advantage of fast memory operations compared to hard disk operation, OPCache eliminates the process of having to read PHP scripts from the disk each time whenever a script must be executed.

In short, OPCache saves the time needed to serve PHP-powered websites!

How to enable OPCache?
This tutorial is written from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS standpoint – using php5-fpm, but it should also work for other Linux distro.

  1. First edit ‘/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini‘ file.
  2. Find “opcache” section in the PHP ini.
  3. Uncomment and change opcache.enable to opcache.enable=1
  4. Do the same for >opcache.memory_consumption, changed its value from 64 to 128 (or 256)
  5. Change opcache.interned_strings_buffer from 4 to 16
  6. Changed the opcache.max_accelerated_files to 8192

Activate OPCache with php5enmod command.

sudo php5enmod opcache

Save file and restart php5-fpm.

sudo service php5-fpm restart

PHP OPCache should be running on your server now. Here’s a reference of /etc/php/fpm/php.ini file in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled

; Determines if Zend OPCache is enabled for the CLI version of PHP

; The OPcache shared memory storage size.

; The amount of memory for interned strings in Mbytes.

; The maximum number of keys (scripts) in the OPcache hash table.
; Only numbers between 200 and 100000 are allowed.

BONUS: How to verify whether PHP OPCache is running ??
You can verify whether OPCache is running by using opcache-status by Rasmus Lerdorf. Just drop the script in one of your web directory and browse. If you’re not a Git fan, I’ve also have taken the liberty of mirroring the download:

opcache-status screenshot

How to convert between sqlite2 and sqlite3 database

Here’s a short guide on how to convert between sqlite2 to sqlite3 database file:

sqlite2 /path/to/mysqlite2.db .dump > backupfile
sqlite3 /path/to/mynewsqlite3.db < backupfile

Using the same method, you can convert sqlite3 db to sqlite2 db too!

p/s: Why you need to convert? because embedded device (read: iPhone and Android) only supports sqlite3 database, while PHP 5 by default supports sqlite2 database.

Thus, this method provide a convenient way to convert between the two different version of sqlite db format.

Recommended Reading

Securing Ajax and Web Services

It is undeniable that Web services and AJAX-ified interfaces are the trend now. Application that utilizes internet to retrieve data (such as mobile application or other thin client) uses web services alongside with its data format. AJAX-ified interface and website gives a modern and edgy look can make websites more attractive and can create great impression to the users.

However the issue of the web application security would still remain the same, if not more challenging, since there are so many ways to exploit the vulnerability of websites that utilizes Web Services and AJAX transfers on the background.

Therefore, it is imperative to use the right technique in order to evaluate the security of these services before deploying them out in the open.

For that matter, now I’m currently reading Ajax Security (Hoffman,B. & Sullivan, B.) and Securing Ajax applications (Wells, C.) which in my opinion is a pretty good start for somebody like me to understand common methods for securing web services and websites which uses AJAX heavily.

Hopefully the situation would improved as there are a lot of campaigns around to raise the state of awareness of web application security.