Microsoft Fear-Uncertainty-Doubt (FUD) video attacks on

To tell you the truth, I’m kind of agree with some points in this video even before it was published.

There are stories of organizations, school computer labs or home users that switch back to Microsoft Office after they have use There is even a local (Malaysian) joke that poke fun at the amount of training and costs required to educate staffs to use which eventually exceeds the cost Microsoft Office Suite.

We have used a lot of open source software, libraries and components in our daily lives without realizing, In case of, I think the problem is just the process and familiarity with application. Microsoft has spend a lot of money to ensure every schools, university, computer labs used its products to educate our younger and future generations that eventually would be accustom to Microsoft branded products. It is a great business strategy, but the question is, who would benefit the most from this scheme?