How to get 1280×1024 res on Philips 190S LCD monitor with Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid)

Thanks to my pal Amet (9W2AZV), I manage to get my self a cheapish 19″ LCD monitor for one of my computers. The trouble is, Ubuntu is only able to give 1024×768 (or lower) resolution on this monitor, which is a shame because of its display size. The problem is related to Ubuntu failing to recognize the monitor capability and thus unable to assign appropriate values necessary to obtain the optimum monitor resolution.

Philips 190s monitor settings

After a couple of hours googling, I found several websites which list correct settings for Philips 190s.

What you need to do is to create (or edit) the “/etc/X11/xorg.conf” file as root and modifies the “Monitor” and “Screen” section details inside the xorg.conf files. Here is the example of my xorg.conf Philips 190S settings

After that, save the file and restart X server.

A word of caution: Changing xorg.conf is risky. I only tested this solution on my computer which runs on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) and Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) operating system. Be warned, your mileage may vary.

1 – my xorg.conf for Philips 190S config

CTRL-ALT-Bkspace isn’t working? How to restart X on Ubuntu Karmic and Lucid

Some of you may find that CTRL-ALT-Bkspace key-combo does not work anymore with Ubuntu latest releases, this issue has been addressed by Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Release Notes which explains that the key-combo cause users to trigger it by accident.

How to restart X server?
To obtain the same effect, Ubuntu has decided to change the key-combo to RightAlt-PrintScr-K. But this time, the key must be pressed in the respective order.

How to enables the original Ctrl-ALT-Bkspace key-combo?
Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) Release Notes contains information on how to enables the original keycombo back in the operating system.

1 – Ubuntu (GNOME Desktop)

  • Select “System”->”Preferences”->”Keyboard”
  • Select the “Layouts” tab and click on the “Layout Options” button.
  • Select “Key sequence to kill the X server” and enable “Control + Alt + Backspace”.

1 – Kubuntu (KDE Desktop)

  • # Click on the Application launcher and select “System Settings”
  • #Click on “Regional & Language”.
  • # Select “Keyboard Layout”.
  • # Click on “Enable keyboard layouts” (in the Layout tab).
  • # Select the “Advanced” tab. Then select “Key sequence to kill the X server” and enable “Control + Alt + Backspace”.

Hope that will help you!

vrms – check your Ubuntu for Non-free packages (Virtual Richard M Stallman)

vrms is an application that checks for non-free packages or components installed in your Debian-based system (including Ubuntu) and subsequently display a statistic of how many percentage of your system is non-free.

vrms can be installed using Synaptic Package Manager :

VRMS - Virtual Richard Stallman

To execute it, just type “vrms” in the terminal, here’s an example of vrms output for my system :
mypapit@mypapit-desktop:~$ vrms
Non-free packages installed on mypapit-desktop

bsdgames-nonfree rogue, the classic dungeon exploration game
Reason: No commercial use
fglrx-modaliases Identifiers supported by the ATI graphics driver
latex2html LaTeX to HTML translator
linux-generic Complete Generic Linux kernel
linux-restricted-modules- Non-free Linux 2.6.28 modules helper script
linux-restricted-modules- Restricted Linux modules for generic kernels
nvidia-173-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-180-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-71-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
nvidia-96-modaliases Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver
rar Archiver for .rar files
sun-java6-bin Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-demo Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6 demos and example
sun-java6-jdk Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6
sun-java6-jre Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture
sun-java6-plugin The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6
tangerine-icon-theme Tangerine Icon theme

Contrib packages installed on mypapit-desktop

jetty Java servlet engine and webserver
nvidia-common Find obsolete NVIDIA drivers
openttd reimplementation of Transport Tycoon Deluxe with enhan

17 non-free packages, 1.1% of 1601 installed packages.
3 contrib packages, 0.2% of 1601 installed packages.

So if you prefer a completely free (as in freedom!) operating system, you can use install gNewsense instead of Ubuntu.

MultiGet – a multithread download manager for Ubuntu Linux desktop

It’s extremely frustrating to have your download progress interrupted, especially when you are downloading several (relatively large) files over the Internet. Fortunately, there’s MultiGet, a download manager that supports multi-connection and parallel downloads.

MultiGet is easy to user, and from my observation, it’s interface closely resemble Flashget download manager from Microsoft Windows platform. The differences is, that MultiGet runs natively on Linux, and it supports multiple operating system too.

MultiGet has a simple, friendly user interface that is easy to use. Best of all, it supports batch task downloading.

MultiGet Screenshot

MultiGet Screenshot Ubuntu

MultiGet is available from Ubuntu universe respository