Usually I don’t post things such as promo codes and offerings on my blog, but I’ll make an exception for this case.

Dreamhost has made available 5 promo codes that gives you special offer on their already generous hosting plans, which includes :
- Disk Storage up to 500GB
- Monthly Bandwidth at 5TB
- Secured Shell access (SSH)
- Unlimited Domain host
- PHP5, Python, Perl, Ruby On Rail support
- Custom DNS configuration
- CVS, SVN Repository and WebDav support
- User management control, you can add user in your own hosting accout, each user can accesss their own shell!
- and other exciting features…!
Oh they have a Dreamhost Wiki page too
The Promo codes gives you :
- Four (4) times the normal disk and bandwidth!
- If you choose their five-year plan, you’ll get $150 off!
- If you choose their ten-year plan, you’ll get $200 off!
Here’s the list of Promo Codes (to be entered in “Promo Code” field when you sign up) :
Alternatively, you may choose to enter “KIROSTUDIO” promo code, to get USD 70.40 discount on their web host offerring!
All promo codes except “KIROSTUDIO” expires on 15 October 2008, so hurry up!