gnome-osd: Handy On-Screen Display for XChat and Evolution

I just want to share with you about gnome-osd, a GNOME desktop add-on that I find handy when working on my computer’s desktop.

This add-on provide informational on-screen display when triggered by certain events such as new email, somebody mentions your nick over the irc and when the music player changes the song.

Personally, I use gnome-osd with Xchat IRC client, when I’m in a mood for online chatting with friends.

To use gnome-osd, you need to install ‘gnome-osd’ package and configure it by accessing System->OSD Notifications. You can enable certain triggers by checking the appropriate box on the dialog box as shown here :


Here’s an example of gnome-osd in action:


From the screenshot, you can see that I’ve tweak the settings a little bit to display the messages on the lower right corner of my screen. The OSD is triggered whenever anybody mentions my nick on the IRC.

How to Randomize login screen in Ubuntu (GDM)

There’s nothing wrong with the default brownish “Human” Ubuntu login screen, but sometimes your brain might get bored with the same login screen overtime. So in this post I’ll be showing you how to randomize the GDM login screen through these simple steps :

From Desktop, go to System->Administration->Login Window


Choose “Random from Selected” from the selector in the Login Window dialog. And check all the GDM themes that you wish to be cycled each start up.


That’s it! close the dialog and logout from your GNOME session, it should display random login screens each time when you switch on your computer.

Need more themes?
You can always find and install more cool themes from Gnome Looks !

Quick Way to send files to mobile device via Bluetooth in Ubuntu Linux

Previously I’ve written a post about how to send/receive file over the bluetooth using CLI. Now i’m going to show you a quick way to send files over bluetooth using the standard “Send To” on GNOME. Like this


To enable this, you need :

  • gnome-bluetooth (available from the repository)
  • a Bluetooth dongle / device attached to your computer

After all requirements have been met, all you need to do is select the files which you wish to be send over bluetooth, and click “Send To”.

You should see a dialog similar like above, prompting you to select the desired bluetooth device.

It’s easy with Linux!