Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) BETA has been published a few days ago and quite a few brave souls has already upgraded to it. The Beta release gives general idea of what final release will look like when it is due in October 2010. Among of the noticeable features in Meerkat are:
- GNOME platform 2.31
- Shotwell replaced F-Spot as photo management software
- Gwibber release that supports the new Twitter oAuth authentication system
- Better Ubuntu One integration with the desktop with faster sync speed and added feature that allow users to share music links to Ubuntu One Music
Store - Better Ubuntu One integration with the desktop with faster sync speed and added feature that allow users to share music links to Ubuntu One Music Store
- Ubuntu Netbook Edition gets the Unity Interface!
- Includes kernel based on upstream release
- Includes improved multitouch capability
Other Bugs and Issues
- Wubi Windows Installer is reported not being able to open Windows’ boot configuration files in some cases, so might not be the best idea to install the Beta release on production Windows PC environment
- Upgrading previously installed Ubuntu (10.04) that uses Wubi to 10.10 Beta does not work and is not recommended.
Read the full post here : http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta
p/s: As with all other BETA release, it is only recommended for power users and those who are helping Ubuntu community to iron out bugs by filing bug-reports before final-release. It is certainly not recommended for production users, especially to newbies who just want to try out Ubuntu.