Generate QR Code in Ubuntu Linux

You can easily generate QR Code under Ubuntu using the command line ‘qrencode’ package. In Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, you can install qrencode using this command:

apt-get install qrencode

To generate QR Code image, you only need to run this command:
qrencode -l L -v 1 -o qrcode-test.png "Hello, World!"

QR Code is a form of 2 dimensional barcode which can store arbitary text data including URL, email or plain text. For more information, please refer to the QR Code Wikipedia Entry

Installing GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal

Note that this is an unofficial way to install GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal), things might be broken, so proceed with caution.

Step 1: Add GNOME 3 PPA repository
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3

Then update the apt-get repository database by running:
sudo apt-get update

Step 2: Install the Gnome 3 Desktop environment using this command
sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop3

Note that this might screw up your installation, you’ve been warned.

Quick Way to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat release is just around the corner!

Here’s how to upgrade Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat using bash shell

sudo sed -i 's/lucid/maverick/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade

sudo aptitude install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade -d

That’s it! Happy upgrading!

How to find fastest Debian apt-get mirrors with netselect-apt

Using the nearest server to your location does not guarantee that you will get faster connection speed, other factors such as network congestions, faulty routers and bandwidth may affect the speed of your software installations.

Thus it is best to update the sources.lst file from time to time to keep updated with the fastest mirror to you, to ensure faster software installation and updates on your computer.

Generally there are two ways to do this, one is by using Synaptic to check for the fastest mirror (works for Ubuntu too!) and secondly by using netselect-apt (currently does not work for Ubuntu).

How to get fastest apt-get mirror with netselect-apt (Debian)

Firstly you need to install netselect-apt. then just run the command by typing “netselect-apt distribution name” to get the fastest mirror. Append -n switch, if you want to include the non-free repository too

Example :
# netselect-apt lenny

Example (non-free repos) :
# netselect-apt -n lenny

The application will test each apt-get mirrors it could find on site and perform some connection to estimate its speed. At the end of the test, the fastest mirror will be selected and used in the /etc/apt/sources.lst file.

Nice, but does it work on Ubuntu?
Note that although Ubuntu has netselect-apt, the application is currently broken under Ubuntu
( as of Gutsy Gibbon ). Ubuntu users should try the Synaptic method instead.