How to crack SHA1, MD5 and Windows NTLM password hash using Rainbow tables in Linux

Rainbow tables is a form of attack method used to crack stored cryptographic hashes commonly used as passwords in various application.

It is similar to brute-force and dictionary attack that it will try to compare the resulting hash with the hash it attempts to crack, except in Rainbow tables, the possible matching hashes are all precomputed before hand, and it uses reduction function to double the lookup speeds at the expense of the storage space (time vs space trade off).

Project Rainbow-Crack offer downloadable binaries (free but not opensource) for GNU / Linux and Microsoft Windows operating system. The application package comes with several tools that can help in generating (rtgen), sorting (rtsort) and cracking (rcrack) sha1,md5 and NTLM hashes.

How to use rtgen, rtsort and rcrack ?
First before starting to crack sha1 hashes, we need to generate rainbow table with rtgen.

rtgen sha1 loweralpha-numeric 1 8 0 5000 6553600 0

rtgen <hash type> <loweralpha | loweralpha-numeric | numeric | mixalpha-numeric| alpha-numeric> <min length> <max length> <table_index> <chain_len> <chain_num> <part_index>

Then we need to use rtsort to sort the rainbow tables generated by rtgen.

rtsort *.rt

Finally run rcrack to crack the hashes

rcrack *.rt -l hash1.txt


rcrack *.rt -h af8978b1797b72acfff9595a5a2a373ec3d9106d

crack process

For more examples to generate and use rainbow tables, please refer to Project Rainbow-Table Example

Crack zip file password with FCrackzip

Fcrackzip is a tool that can be used to crack zip files encrypted with ZipCrypto algorithm through dictionary-based and brute-force attack.

The brute force attack can be configured to use the combination of lower,upper, numerical characters or with other symbols or punctuation marks.

Example usage:

  • fcrackzip -u -v -l 1-6 -c a
  • fcrackzip -u -v -l 1-6 -c aA1
  • fcrackzip -u -v -D -p wordlist-dict.txt (dictionary attack)

Switch Explanation:

  • -v : verbose output, display the progress of current crack, may slow the progress a little bit
  • -l : length of password to brute-force in this case (1 to 6 characters)
  • -c : character set to try (a – lower-alphabet, A-uppercase alphabet, 1-numeric, ! – include [!:$%&/()=?[]+*~#])
  • -u : verify the zip password in case of multiple possible matches

p/s: It is strongly suggested to use dictionary attack first before going down with brute-force as passwords longer than 6 characters may take (a long) time to crack. A collection of wordlist can be found at PacketStormSecurity website

Debian and Ubuntu users can get fcrackzip from the default apt-get repository.
Windows may download fcrackzip win32 binaries from website

Recommended Reading

Using Apache mod_security and .htaccess to block comment spam on the web

Comment spam is the most annoying thing to web operators. Besides eating up bandwidth, comment spam can pollute web discussions area and which gives bad impression to visitors.

Apache HTTPD mod_security module can be configured to reduce web spam by filtering common keyword, content and referrer used by spam bots around the internet.

Here’s an example of .htaccess file to block common comment spam :

<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine On
SecFilterScanPOST On
SecFilterDefaultAction "deny,nolog,auditlog,status:503"
SecFilterSelective POST_PAYLOAD "(mortgage|viagra|poker|traffic|discount|medical|casino|lyrics|loan)"


Please ensure that your Apache installation has mod_security module enabled. The method is suitable to be used on websites that receive a lot of user comments like forums, blogs (including WordPress and Drupal) and photo gallery.

Note: This is not a full-proof solution as it depends on the use of keywords.

Iptables rule to safeguard SSH server from crackers

Secured Shell or SSH is a service to enable users to access remote system securely. However, SSH servers depending on password-based authentication might be vulnerable to dictionary-based (or brute-force) attacks by crackers.

Luckily iptables can be used with ‘–limit-burst‘ and ‘–limit’ option to reduce the number of attempts and connection that a cracking tool can make in a period of time.

For example, in order to limit an IP address to making only 5 connections per minute in burst of 2 connections, you can use this iptables rules:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -m limit --limit 5/minute --limit-burst 2 -j ACCEPT

This will result in the iptables will only allow up to 5 connections per minute with 2 maximum initial number of connections, which will make any brute-force or dictionary-based attack uneconomical/unfeasible for the server.

Read more about iptables –limit and –limit-burst in Linux Iptables Limit the number of incoming tcp connection / syn-flood attacks

Restricting normal user account access on Ubuntu Server

Here’s a tip to restrict normal user account access so that common users may not be able to explore other directories beyond his/her own /home directory.

  • First you need to chmod all /home dir to 0700
  • Then, you need to set the default umask to 077, to do that, you ned to edit /etc/profile, and replace “umask 022” with “umask 077“.
  • Optionally, you can also update PAM configuration in /etc/pamd.d/common-session so that the line reads “ umask=077 usergroups

The tips has been adapted from –