Check out my new chicks

Check out my latest chicks in the house. Aren’t they cute? I just found out that they were hatched just after raya. Nah, this is going to be my last batch of chicks, after this all eggs will be taken for consumption. >:)

A milestone!

My blog reached 100th post today! When i first started this blog, i never thought that I would have come this far, because I’m just not a person who likes to jot down every details on my life or even keep a simple journal.

Well now I did it, I even cant see when will I stop blogging! Thanks to all of you that supported me… :)

I’ve received Ubuntu CDs!

My Ubuntu CD

Mypapit Ubuntu CDs

Hello there, yesterday I received 10 set of Ubuntu 5.04 “Hoary Hedgehog” CDs from my friend. He gave me the CDs to be distributed for other people who wants to use GNU/Linux.

Ubuntu is a nice distro for people who want to start using GNU/Linux. It Ubuntu is newbie-friendly and has a nice selection of applications to start over with. Ubuntu uses apt-get package management system which enables user to receive package updates and upgrades.

The Ubuntu pressed CD cover is nice each sets contains 2 CDs, the typical installation CD and the LiveCD. The installation CD can be use to install GNU/Linux inside your pc, the installation process is fairly easy and simple to follow. The LiveCD is for people who wants to test out Ubuntu without installing them, you can boot the GNOME desktop, and can start using GNU/Linux immediately.

I’m planning to give away the CDs to my friends and to my sister, as well as to anybody who really wants to use and learn GNU/Linux. They might be a couple of leftovers CD, so if you want the CD, I can send it to you also, just email me for details.