Generate QR Code in Ubuntu Linux

You can easily generate QR Code under Ubuntu using the command line ‘qrencode’ package. In Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal, you can install qrencode using this command:

apt-get install qrencode

To generate QR Code image, you only need to run this command:
qrencode -l L -v 1 -o qrcode-test.png "Hello, World!"

QR Code is a form of 2 dimensional barcode which can store arbitary text data including URL, email or plain text. For more information, please refer to the QR Code Wikipedia Entry

Download NetBSD Live! 2007 LiveCD

netbsd live mypapit

NetBSD Project has released NetBSD Live! 2007 based on NetBSD 4 Beta. The LiveCD comes with an array of softwares that include KDE 3.4.5 (includes KOffice), Mozilla Firefox (renamed Deer Park for copyright reasons), GIMP 2.2, vim 6.2.14, gcc 4.1.2 and various utilities for accesing foreign filesystems.

Instead of using the normal bsd bootloader, NetBSD Live! uses GNU GRUB that has been adapted for use with the livecd. NetBSD Live! offers 3 kernel; generic kernel, ACPI-enabled kernel and a Laptop-optimized kernel. These kernels are available for boot at the GRUB bootloader screen

Sadly, i’m unable to use the LiveCD on the laptop that i tried (Compaq Presario v2613), because the LiveCD can’t detect the laptop’s keyboard input. However I manage to get it work on my desktop, which works almost flawlessly.

I think it’s about time NetBSD has its own LiveCD. I always think LiveCD as a preview CD. which simplifies the task of demonstrating operating system and as a multipurpose rescue cd.

The NetBSD Live! 2007 iso is available from NetBSD mirrors or via Bittorrent
