Share files quickly using python3

You can enable quick file sharing using python3 by activating its built-in internal webserver


python3 -m http.server

The default webserver will listen to port 8000, you can change to any port above 1024 without root privileges by specifying the port number after the command:

python3 -m http.server 9090

Python code: List most popular URL from Apache/NGINX ‘access.log’ file

Found a great Python code snippet for listing the most popular URL from Apache / NGINX ‘access.log’ file. Very practical!

import collections

logfile = open("access.log", "r")


for line in logfile:
        # copy the URLS to an empty list.
        # We get the part between GET and HTTP

counter = collections.Counter(clean_log)

# get the Top 50 most popular URLs
for count in counter.most_common(50):
    print(str(count[1]) + "\t" + str(count[0]))


The code is very handy if you want to find out the most popular URL or pages in your website, crucial information for optimization, IMHO.

Backup your Gmail account in Ubuntu Linux with gmvault

This is a follow-up of my previous post “What to do when your Google disabled your Gmail account?“.

Here’s how to download all emails from your GMail account with Gmvault:

Download and setting up gmvault

1. First you need to install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip

2. Then using ‘pip’, install gmvault
sudo pip install gmvault

3. Finally you can sync and backup GMail accounts with ‘gmvault
gmvault sync your_username @

4. gmvault will ask you to authenticate yourselves with GMail, and after that, the syncronization process starts. gmvault stores all the gmail backup in the ‘gmvault-db‘ directory.

p/s: Some users encounters error telling that the “All Mail folder is not visible”. You can enable All Mail folder visibility by checking the “Show in IMAP” box in Settings->Labels. Also, IMAP access should also be enabled for this to work.

p/s 2: It might not be obvious right now why you need to backup your emails when Gmail has gigabytes of storage. But according to Gmail discussions group, Google can and might disable access to all of its services, locking the users out from their emails forever.

How to mine Bitcoin in Ubuntu using OpenCL and

Bitcoin is a form of decentralize digital currency, so unlike other digital currency services (like e-gold), bitcoin is not susceptible to be frozen, seized or invalidated. Bitcoin can be transfered transfered directly from person to person directly without intermediaries.

Bitcoin are generated over the internet by application called bitcoin miners using a set of algorithm to ensure that the number of generated bitcoin is within predictable and limited range. Though with the numbers of bitcoin in circulation today means that it would require significant processing power to generate bitcoins, it doesn’t stop anybody who are willing to try and mine them.

For a brief introduction to Bitcoin, please watch :

Bitcoin Miner on Ubuntu ?
Enter OpenCL and which allows bitcoin to be mined using a much more efficient GPU power (certain models of Nvidia and ATI graphic cards only, with appropriate drivers).

Step 1: To install the miner, you need to “install python-pyopencl subversion.

Step 2: Then you need to use subversion to obtain python-jsonrpc, by running:

svn checkout
cd python-jsonrpc/
sudo python install

Step 3: Then you need to generate bitcoin.conf file:

cd ..
mkdir .bitcoin
echo "rpcuser=username" > .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
echo "rpcpassword=password" >> .bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Step 4: After that, download BitcoinMiner files

wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate
wget --no-check-certificate

Step 5: Download bitcoin server for linux

tar xvf bitcoin-0.3.19-linux.tar.gz
~/bitcoin-0.3.19/bin/64/bitcoin -server&

Step 6: Then finally, running the miner

python -d 0 --user username --pass password

The parameter -d 0 denotes that the miner will use GPU #1 for its bitcoin mining generation, increment it to -d 1 for GPU #2 and so forth. Change the “password” and “username” parameter from Step 3 and Step 6 appropriately to keep people from reaping the fruits (read: steal bitcoins) of your mining operation.

For more information about mining bitcoins and about Bitcoin in general, please visit : WeUseCoins website

How to Embed Web Browser in Python GTK application using pymozembed

Embedding web browser or a screen for parsing HTML is easy in PyGTK. You only need to import the pymozembed, and add a few lines of code in your pygtk library, and you are set to go.

Here’s a sample PyGTK application that embeds a web-browser as well as a “Back” button for demonstration purpose :

PyGTK + browser Screenshot
PyMozEmbed PyGTK+ Mypapit Demo

# demo by mypapit ( – Sept 2009
import pygtk
import gtk
import gtkmozembed

class PyMoz:

def delete_event(self,widget,data=None):
return False

def destroy(self,widget,data=None):

def button_clicked(self,widget,data):

def __init__(self):
#init mozembed
self.moz = gtkmozembed.MozEmbed()
#create a Vertical Box Container to whole the browser
#and the “Back Button”
box = gtk.VBox(False,0)

#create a basic GTK+ window
win = gtk.Window()

#create and connect “Back” button, to add functionality
self.button = gtk.Button(“Back”)

#include both back button and the browser in the vertical box
#and the GTK+ window

#load the URL

#set the window title
win.set_title(“browser demo”)

#show all the stuffs on screen

#connect the delete_event and destroy event to make sure
#the app quits when the window is closed

if __name__ == “__main__”:


Download demo source code :

Working hard publishing papers and learning PyGTK

For the last few weeks I’ve been working hard to finish up my research project, most of it concerning about on mobile phone application usability and context-aware applications. This leaves me with less  time to devote for this blog and I started to realise that I might have a ‘burn-out’ issue at the same time.

I’m still using Ubuntu in my daily work if you are curious (Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04 for netbook) and Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope for my Intel Core 2 Duo Desktop PC. Besides writing those research papers, I’ve use what left of my time to learn PyGTK to enable me to code RAD app for GNU/Linux desktop environment.

I found out the references around the internet regarding PyGTK is very helpful to aid me in understanding the GTK+ bindings in python, which is not much different from its C counterpart.

Now that I’ve some time to spare until Hari Raya, I’ll try to use that time wisely to fill up this blog with a couple more of fresh new posts. So, keep reading!