Example Code: How to Send SMS from PHP (via Clickatell)

Hi there, due to popular demand (requests sent to my personal email – mypapit -at- gmail.com).

I decided to share my old post regarding my simple SendSMS php class which can help php developers to send SMS from their web application


$sendsms = new SendSMS(“username”,”password”,”HTTP POST API key”);

/* if the login return 0, means that login failed, you cant send sms after this */
if ( ($sendsms->login()) == 0 ) {
die( “failed”);

/*other wise, you can send sms using the simple send() call*/
$sendsms->send(“0132073011″,”can you receive this message? Hello there….”);


To use SendSMS class, you need:

That’s it.. contact me if you’ve more questions

Download SendSMS PHP class (version 0.5)

Book Giveaway: Linux Module Programming Guide

Free !

Listen up!

UbuntuGeek is giving away the “Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide” e-book for free! The book contains guides and tutorial on how to write loadable Linux kernel module and drivers.

According to its official description:

“An excellent guide for anyone wishing to get started on kernel module programming. The author takes a hands-on approach starting with writing a small “hello, world” program, and quickly moves from there. Far from a boring text on programming, Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide has a lively style that entertains while it educates”

Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide

Download now: Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide (PDF)

How to Embed Web Browser in Python GTK application using pymozembed

Embedding web browser or a screen for parsing HTML is easy in PyGTK. You only need to import the pymozembed, and add a few lines of code in your pygtk library, and you are set to go.

Here’s a sample PyGTK application that embeds a web-browser as well as a “Back” button for demonstration purpose :

PyGTK + browser Screenshot
PyMozEmbed PyGTK+ Mypapit Demo

# demo by mypapit (info@mypapit.net) – Sept 2009
# http://blog.mypapit.net/
import pygtk
import gtk
import gtkmozembed

class PyMoz:

def delete_event(self,widget,data=None):
return False

def destroy(self,widget,data=None):

def button_clicked(self,widget,data):

def __init__(self):
#init mozembed
self.moz = gtkmozembed.MozEmbed()
#create a Vertical Box Container to whole the browser
#and the “Back Button”
box = gtk.VBox(False,0)

#create a basic GTK+ window
win = gtk.Window()

#create and connect “Back” button, to add functionality
self.button = gtk.Button(“Back”)

#include both back button and the browser in the vertical box
#and the GTK+ window

#load the URL

#set the window title
win.set_title(“browser demo”)

#show all the stuffs on screen

#connect the delete_event and destroy event to make sure
#the app quits when the window is closed

if __name__ == “__main__”:


Download demo source code : pymoz.py

Back to hands-on application development

I’m just informing you, my readers, that I’ve been busted back to application development work from a relatively administrative one. Rest assured, this is entirely my decision as I’m not currently under employment of any entity beside myself.

Now where’s my cup of coffee?