Microsoft Windows XP on vanilla AMD decTOP (Geode) – wished Linux GUI is this light

This is a continuation from my post of running Android on my AMD decTOP machine.

Of all Linux distribution that I tried, I found out that only Puppy Linux offered a usable GUI desktop environment on a plain vanilla AMD decTOP out of the box, but that is not without some effort on the installer side.

On the other hand, it is very easy to get Windows XP running on a plain vanilla AMD decTOP, without additional hardware upgrades. Here is my prove.

It seems Windows XP is more tolerant to low end desktops (or in this case, decTOP) than Linux operating system for fully GUI environment. Are we getting bloated?

AMD decTOP specs
Processor: AMD Geode GX 500, 366 MHz clock rate

Ubuntu Mobile is going to be announced in June !

Good news everyone, Canonical is going to announce the latest edition of Ubuntu line up, Ubuntu Mobile next month. Ubuntu Mobile is an Ubuntu edition which runs on a new type of mobile computers called Mobile Internet Devices.

Some features of Ubuntu Mobile device are :

  • GPS
  • Digital TV
  • Emails, Instant Messaging, Web Browsing
  • Multimedia Player
  • VoIP applications
  • Integration with various social webapps (MySpace, Youtube, Facebook)
ubuntu logo

However it is stll remain to be seen whether Ubuntu Mobile going to released with its own SDK. I’ll be really excited if they release Ubuntu Mobile in my place.

Source : Underexposed – CNET